Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Week of April 14

I realise many of you were on holiday - but if you managed to connect tell me what you did.


Anonymous said...

This week's session was very informal. We were only 3 students, and we had some good time speaking about cultural particularities.

We commented the video projects, comparing them. There was two main trends among them : those who were focusing on people's suffering, and those who draw an analysis of the situation. The firsts did add sad or slow music, without much voice over, althought the second included a lot of voice-over comments.

Given that facilitators gave some time to those who had not seen all videos to watch it during the session (some people have 56K modem at house), we did not spoke a lot.

But as I said before, that was the more relaxed session, and a very pleasant one.

Fabinou said...


as the Pierre's session, mine was relatively light..
Even if I managed to connect to Soliya from my Mac (and it even works from linux computers...), the video server crashed down 3 times during the session!! Argggggg!!!

As a result, some american students did'nt come back to the meeting room.. Pretty way to shorter the session, isn't it? In addition, I was'nt able to view some persons, and after the crash, words were cut when I spoke. That's why I had to type the main part of the session.

If we let alone the usual but boring technical problems, this session was interessant because as we were less students than usual, the discussions were more followed, and not just a spaghetti chat...

We mainly spoke about Video projects. And about the difficulty for press to be unbiased and exhaustive. But I still regret that exposed ideas were so general and without profound reflexion. But it was a bit interesting by the way.