Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Soliya facilitation program - first week

3 weeks ago I have started the Soliya facilitation training program. Normally after this training I should be able to facilitate Soliya on-line meetings with students from all over the world. However if I won't succeed in doing this at least I will have a better idea of what facilitating a discussion means and how difficult is to do it.

In the first week of training we got the chance to present ourselves to our group colleagues in order to get acquainted with them and with our trainer. Before this meeting we were provided with the Soliya facilitation manual which is a word document that describes the golden rules for becoming a good facilitator.

The points addressed during this first meeting were as follows:

1.The role of the facilitator(what a facilitator should do and how he should behave during an on line meeting). We agreed on the followings:

-specify the ground rules of the discussion
-ability to listen. to do that he should:
- be open minded; focused on the global view of the discussion
- have a good Internet connection
- actively interact with a second facilitator
- pay attention to the nonverbal language of the participants

2. When it is hard to listen for a facilitator?

-when he has a bad connection
-when he gets emotionally involved in the discussion by disagreeing with someone's opinion
-when the rules are not respected and participants are continuously interrupted by their colleagues

3. What should a facilitator do when he notices that he got personally involved?

-remain calm
-becoming aware of his hot-spot so that he could be able to control it during the meeting

Beside this 3 main points was also raised the issue of having the right to express opinions as a facilitator. Concerning this my point of view was that a facilitator should have this right as long as he knows how to express his opinion(for example using a question) and also if his opinion helps developing the discussion and addresses new issues important for the main topic.

As a first impression I don't regret at all choosing to follow this training. The technical problems are less than the last year and the amount of knowledges is considerably big. There is only one regret generated by the small impact that this program had at ENSIMAG.

I will stop here taking the engagement to write a post for every week of Soliya training. Feel free to comment on this posts and ask me questions about the program.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Week of April 21: Soliya Student Video Project

Soliya Student Videos on Youtube

Laurentiu :

Pierre :

Nicolas & Fabien:

Anja and Laure:

Week of April 14

I realise many of you were on holiday - but if you managed to connect tell me what you did.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Week of April 7 Terrorism

Leave your comments, the good, the bad, the ...

Monday, March 31, 2008

Week of 31 March: Immigration & Integration

How did your session go this week?

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Week of 24 March - Culture & Background

So how did it go this week? Leave a comment.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

17 March-21 March: Middle Eastern and Western Stereotypes

Please leave your thoughts about this Soliya session.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Week of March 10th - Identity and Culture

This is the first week of the Soliya programme where students meet each other on-line. Please write a few words describing your impressions.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Soliya Orientation - Student Impressions

On Monday we had our Soliya Orientation with Nahid Ahmed. Please give your impressions, your reservations, your hopes and expectations for this course.